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Page 1About

Page 2Why?

Page 3How?

Page 4Format

Page 5Packages

Page 6Features

Page 7Templates


Page 9Terms

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We will contact you when your Web Ad page is ready for proofing and you may call into Albury Local Internet to view it or we will fax a black and white copy to you. Your Web Ad page will not be placed on the Internet until a) you have approved the page and b) paid the appropriate booking fee and 1st maintenance payment. Your Web Ad page will then be downloaded to the Internet and linked into the appropriate pages.

Please make your selections from the 7. Templates Section before filling out this form.

Please read our Terms and Conditions before submitting your booking.

Booking Form:
Business Name:
Billing Address:
Primary Contact Person:
Web Ad Page required:
Web Ad Page to be linked into the text entry for:

(Your business name)

Which appears (or should appear) in section:

(The main category from Home Page,
eg Retail Trade)

Under the heading:

(Sub-categories within the main categories,
eg Clothing and Soft Good Retailing)

Template System: Package 1 Package 2
Please indicate your preferred layout on the 7. Templates page if you have not already done so, and continue to the Web Ad copy and details section.

Custom and Other: Package 3 Package 4 Package 5
Please call or e-mail to arrange a mutually convenient time to talk to our designers about your requirements. Please print out and use the remainder of this form as a guide to help you collect your thoughts and material as necessary. You do not need to fill in anything else on this electronic form and may proceed to the Submit button at the end.

Web Ad Term: 12 months

Web Ad copy and details: (Packages 1 and 2 ONLY)
Headline or Title for your Web Ad:

Body copy - text for your ad:
Describe here the service or product you wish to sell; indicative prices; special offers etc.
Please save your copy from your preferred word processor as a text file, with no additional formatting, and an extension of '.txt'. Then select the file name below.

If you have a requirement for bold or italic emphasis in your text, please include the following tags as needed in your text: <B>text required in bold</B> <I>text required in italics</I>

If your Browser does not support file submission, please e-mail your file(s) to the

Pictures for your ad:
Please save your pictures in either JPG format (photograph scans) or GIF (most logos, line drawings, graphic illustrations). Then select the file name(s) below.

If you do not have a scanner, or the scans are of questionable quality, please post your photographs and logos to Albury Local Internet, Attn: The Editor, PO Box 577, Lavington NSW 2641. Please include your full details so we can match your photographs etc to your Web Ad page, and if you wish the material returned, please also enclose a suitable stamped, self-addressed envelope. Alternatively, you may bring your material into Albury Local Internet, Shop 2, 326 Griffith Road, Lavington. If you are unable to leave your originals with us, please call to make an appointment first, and we will scan them while you wait.
NOTE: For the Template System (Packages 1 and 2) there is no charge for scanning material for your ad.

If your Browser does not support file submission, please e-mail your file(s) to the

Your preferred Contact Details for use on your Web Ad page:

On-Line Shopping:
Would you like to participate in the on-line shopping initiative for regional users? Yes
Maybe later.
If you have answered 'Yes' to On-Line Shopping, please complete the following:
How would you like to receive your orders?
 Fax *Does NOT require you to have internet access, responses or orders sent via the Internet to your fax machine. Does requires a fax machine at your end.
 e-mail **Requires Internet account and access.
 Other Please supply details:

How would you accept payment for orders?
 Credit Card over the internet Secure e-commerce will be implemented when a suitable, reliable and truly secure implementation is available.
 Customer Account Account set up by phone/fax/e-mail/face-to-face application directly with supplier (your business) - requiring customer account number only to be quoted with order. Payment by your arrangement - credit account; credit card authorisation obtained at commencement of account for direct debit on purchase; COD; etc
 C.O.D. eg Pizza delivery
 D.D. Direct deposit to your bank account
 Purchase held for collection and payment on collection or by arrangement

Are you prepared to arrange delivery?
Yes If "Yes", how?
No If "No", what are the perceived difficulties?

If delivery costs are factored in to the item purchase price, please indicate your minimum purchase amount:

If you choose to add delivery as an additional separate charge, please indicate your delivery charges:

Do you have any restrictions on your delivery area? If so what are they:

If you were to deliver outside the regional area, what options would you offer prospective purchasers?

If you have any questions or wish to add any other relevant details please attach additional pages as required.

Have you read our Terms and Conditions yet? If not, please do so before submitting your booking. If you then use your Browser Back button to return to this form, you should not loose the information you have already entered.

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